
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

The Alamo and San Antonio River Walk

Took the city bus a few blocks from our RV park downtown to the Alamo and River walk. It is very hot here, so we walked to the Alamo and then went to the IMAX theater to watch the movie about the Alamo. After that we took a cruise along the San Antonio river walk, which was cooler and  beautiful. Reminds me of a little Venice with flowers everywhere. We searched for John Wayne for you Mike. (You need to scroll to the end to see if we found him.)

River walk

River walk

The front of the Alamo

Inside courtyard

Store part of the Alamo courtyard

Daughters of the Republic Library
Barrack area of Alamo

140 year old tree inside Alamo courtyard next to old well.

Memorial to the men who lost their lives for Texas

River Walk

Cruise on the San Antonio river

We found John Wayne after all!

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